Apanasana (Knees to Chest Pose) & Pawanmuktasana

Great article on Pawanmuktasana.

Sarah Hackett


Gentle, soothing and nurturing, Apanasana.

Think about it, how often does this pose appear in our practice? For me, it’s every time, in my own practice, my group classes and for my private clients. Why? It’s a gentle and accessible pose for all. I enjoy using Apanasana as a simple warm up, easing into the right and left side first with a single leg option before bringing both knees into the chest. It gives time to check in with our hips; perhaps they are a little tight today. It softly opens the sacrum and relieves the lower back.  Apanasana promotes a healthy digestive system, easing tension in the digestive track, a handy pose to have in your back pocket during the month of Ramadan. Match this pose up with deep belly breathing and you have yourself a very effective abdominal massage as the belly kindly rises against the pressure of…

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